Monday 16 February 2015

Monday's Mischief | Rain rain go away

Now don't get me wrong I love some aspects of winter. I mean what dog doesn't love to roll around is the wet and fluffy white stuff. Winter does come with some drawbacks though! Rain... and here in the UK we get it in bucket loads!

Rain can only mean one thing... no walkies! Not because my mum doesn't like getting wet and is a seasonal dog walker, but because I just don't like getting wet! End of!

The weather can be a funny thing though! One minute we leave the house to glorious sunshine, the next its raining cat and dogs (not literally of course).

Well that's exactly what happened today.

As soon as mum got my lead out of the draw I couldn't wait to get going. Everything was going great until I suddenly felt the first drop. I carried on for a while thinking it might only be a cup full or two! Next minutes it was more like a waterfall. I dropped my bum to the fall immediately and refused to move any further. Of course, I really hadn't thought this through. We were about 20 minutes away from home and there was no other way for me to get into the dry than walk!

For the next few minutes I made the walk home very difficult to show my utter disgust. A few yummy treats soon made me forgot about the wet stuff and back home we returned.

Mum dried me off and I was fast asleep in my bed in no time! 

Does your dog like walking in the rain?

Jessica and Lottie 

We've taken part in Monday Mischief blog hop hosted by Snoopy’s Dog BlogAlfie’s Blog and My Brown Newfies



  1. Shiner hates the rain! She usually refuses to go outside if it's raining. Very cold and rainy here today too.

  2. We live in the Pacific Northwest where it rains a lot, too, but Tim and Hank, don't mind the rain at all. In fact Hank in particular goes out of his way to splash through puddles and mud.

  3. We don't mind the rain at all. Sorry that you got stuck in it tonight!

  4. Two of my dogs hate the rain, too. They understand!

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  5. Hi Y'all!

    I love swimmin', but I don't care for raindrops beatin' me on the back. I love to take a shower in the shower stall after a good soapy massage, but I don't like rain pelting down on me.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. precious video!! Adorable. Cole doesn't like getting wet either. Right now he's licking the ice balls off his legs. LeeAnna at not afraid of color


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