Monday 21 November 2016

Update | Blogging, bones and beyond.

Lottie is quite the slave driver and when she kept trying to jump up to the computer chair, I knew it was time to pull my finger out a write another blog post. 

Although I have posted a few review posts (we have lots more coming up too). I haven't posted an personal life update in forever. 

Funny Bones 

If you follow us on Facebook, you will know I had another operation on my right tibia in July. I had a metal plate inserted to try and heal the fracture from 2014. The operation was a success and the surgeon was able to get the plate into place, but because my bones are so small the plate is a little large, so will need to be removed next summer. I also have to have the rod replaced in my right femur (thigh bone) as it has bent and moved over time. Both of these are quite big operations but we will cross that bridge when we comes to it. 

That's how I roll

In other news, I'm currently in the process of getting a new wheelchair. Now for those that aren't familiar with the current wheelchair service through the NHS in England. Due to very limited resources the NHS are only able to provide a basic manual/electric wheelchair. Unfortunately for many complex disabilities such as mine, these wheelchairs simply aren't fit for purpose, they neither provide the comfort or support that a disability like mine needs. After all I can fracture from jumping, so having a specialist wheelchair is important.. If you choose not to have one of their wheelchair they offer you a voucher for the amount that the wheelchair would of cost the NHS. 

Many local hospital are able to purchase these wheelchairs at the NHS rate, most specialists wheelchair cost around £20,000 and my NHS voucher will be for around £3,000. 

If you opt for this scheme, unfortunately you are very much on your own regarding raising the rest of the funds. I'm currently looking at different ways to raise the extra needed. Obviously the wonderful Brittle Bone Society will be able to help but as they are only small funds are limited. I'm hoping either Apple or Amazon are reading this post, as I'm sure they have a spare £17,000 lying around (one can wish!). Seriously though if anybody reading this has any ideas/or wants to help raise the extra money needed for my new wheelchair, please contact us by Facebook/Twitter or leave a comment. 

I know some of you may think this post is a little depressing, and not like many of my others. I started this blog to raise awareness of Osteogenesis Imperfecta and unfortunately at the moment I am having a rough time of it. I don't want to write a unrealistically as that is not raising awareness for anybody. I hope you guys understand.... 

Now on a brighter note, Lottie is doing great, she was diagnosed with dry eye but that is being managed really well with eye drops. 

She had a fab summer as you can see from the photos below, and made lots of new furry friends.

We both cant wait for Christmas as it my favourite time of year, and we have a Christmas Gift Guide coming soon so be sure to look out for that. 

I have being well and truly told off by Lottie, and blogging with now be much more regular.  Watch this space.... 

Love Jessica and Lottie xxx 


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