Thursday 17 April 2014

Floppy eared rabbit sock

I have always been of the opinion that no matter how old your dog gets, they always keep that puppy instinct in them that comes out every now and again to reveal their mischievous side. Lottie will be 3 this July, although sometimes she acts more like 3 months. Today she did her usually trick of what we like to call the floppy eared rabbit sock. Here's Lottie's take on the situation...

Ok, right listen up my four legged pals. As you might be aware I'm going to be the big 3 in July and I can't wait! Today however I made sure mum still understood that I'm still very much able to act like a puppy. It all started when mum was doing some washing (which she tells me is the bane of her life) there across the room stood the basket with the nice fresh clothes in that had just come out of the dryer. Put yourself in my place there I am lying on the living room floor, dozing contentedly, when the washing basket is placed a few feet in front of me. One sock in particular is peeking out over the rim, kind of like a rabbit ear peaking over a blade of grass. Suddenly you are more awake, look over at the rabbit-sock peaking out. Did it just twitch? It did! It did! I leap to my feet bound across the living room floor, grab the rabbit (which by this time, is 100 percent rabbit as far as I'm concerned). I throw the rabbit around a bit encouraging it to try too esspace my mouth. By this time, mum has returned and suddenly seems quite cross, but don't despairs this is where the game really becomes fun as it soons leads to a game of chase with mum. If I carry this on long enough she eventually go to the fridge and come back with a tiny piece of cheese, which I will be offered in exchange for the rabbit-sock. By the time I smell the cheese I'm normally able to give up the rabbit-sock, fun as the whole experience has been and let mum carry on with her normal business, and me the important task of a dog nap! 

I'm pretty sure your dogs equally do the same kind of thing as this. And as furiating as it is at the time, I wouldn't want it any other way. 


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