Monday 13 July 2015

Its my Birthday!

Hello Fwiends,

Lottie here - once a year my human says I have this called a birthday. I mean, personally I just don't get it, but if it means I get lots of new things I'm all for it.

All last week mum has been saying "It's your birthday on Sunday". Sunday I thought. How the heck am I meant to know when it's Sunday. I know I'm clever but knowing what day of the week it is, thats a bit advance for my doggy brain.

But, by using my doggy have special powers. I only had to track mum's actions to see that yesterday must of been the day!

Boy was I excited.

Apparently I turned the big Four on Sunday. Mum then muttered something about that being 28 in human years. Doesn't she realise I'm pure canine! 28! That makes me older than my mum, even I know that can't be right!

I had lots of great new toys and treats and of course was spoilt rotten.

Are all these for me! 
They look yum!

When mum posted my picture on my Facebook page I had over 300 likes. Wow! Thanks guys that made me feel very loved.

Be sure to check out the video below of me playing with one of my new toys.

Until next time, fwiends.

Woofs and Kisses

Lottie (And Jessica)

P.s I really wish they made these keys smaller than I could type my own blog. Be sure to check me out on the next series of Doggy Den! Hehe.



  1. Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a wonderful day. :)

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like you got tons of fun new toys to play with.

  3. Happy birthday sweetie! Love Dolly


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