Wednesday 29 October 2014

Fireworks Fear Series | How to prepare your pet for fireworks.

Here in the UK the dreaded night for pet owners is fast approaching. Remember, remember the 5th of November. Dogs remember it all right, and mostly for the wrong reasons. Fear!

According to the RSPCA more than 45 percent of dogs in the UK show signs of fear when they hear fireworks. 

It doesn't have to be that way so please don't ignore the problem. A firework phobia can be treated meaning your dog doesn't have to feel miserable every year. 

The best treatment you can offer is preparation. Here are a few simple things you can do to help your pet deal with fireworks. By preparing in advance before fireworks start your pet will be better able to cope with the noises.

Dogs go through stress at one time in the life and Lottie is no different. I really underestimated just how stressed she would be during a car journey. After many different methods, much to no avail. Our VET recommended a Pheromone Diffusers (No we hadn't heard of them either). They dispense the synthetic copy of the natural canine appeasing pheromone proven to help support dogs in a range of stressful situations. You can purchase them in a variety of different applications (collars, diffuse res, sprays) and are widely available in your local pet store. We couldn't believe the difference they made to Lottie, it didn't happen over night hence why we suggest you start it well before fireworks night. Here the brand that we highly recommend. 

Sound therapy for pets is another great tool that half of us don't use enough. There website can be found here. They offer a range of  downloadable audios that can be played when the dog is distracted and then increased in volume each time to desensitise the dog to that particular sound. 

A safe haven is a must for all dogs but even more important around firework night. You should provide you dog with a quiet area so choose one of the quietest rooms in your home. It should be a place where the animal feels it is in control, so don't interfere with it when it's in that area. Train your dog to associate the area with positive experiences e.g. by leaving toys there but not imposing yourself at any time. r giving them a tasty Kong with some extra special treats instead (some they only get when they are in there safe den. With time your dog can learn that this place is safe and enjoyable. So when fireworks happen it may choose to go here because it knows that when it is here, no harm will come to it and so it's more able to cope. It is important that your dog has access to its doggy safe haven at all times even when you’re not at home. 
Lottie safe haven. 

They are just a few of our handy tips to help you guys prepare for fireworks night. Please don't forget your other pets too, especially if they are outside. 

Have you guys got any top tips to help your pet cope with fireworks. We would love to hear them. 

Jessica and Lottie. 

AdventureDog-250This is part of the Adventure Dog Blog Hop hosted by yours truly, DOGthusiast and Tiffany’s Diamond Dogs. Clicking the little thumbnails down below will transport you to other doggy adventures.


1 comment

  1. I actually like fireworks and go watch em on da Fourth of July. But I are kinda weird dat way, BOL!


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